The Cygnus Wall is a small part of the enormous North America Nebula in the constellation Cygnus. Learn how I captured and processed this image.
The Crescent Nebula
Read my experience capturing the Crescent Nebula. Discover the challenges I faced and the techniques I used photographing this amazing deep sky object.
What I Learned Creating Night Sky Photography Panoramas
Shooting a panorama is not as easy as your iPhone makes it. There’s panorama equipment and with night sky photographs, there are exposure limits due to the Earth’s movement. Read more to find out how I captured this photo from the beach in Wildwood, NJ.
M13: Third Time’s the Charm
M13 or The Great Hercules Cluster is the most well-known globular cluster in the universe. I like it so much, this was my 3rd time doing it!
Summer Astrophotography Targets
Summer is an amazing time in the northern hemisphere for astrophotography. Milky Way is out and so many targets to shoot. Here’s my list for this summer.
Pelican Nebula
It was not until recently I felt uninspired. After shooting the Veil Nebula (again), I felt a bit of repetitive. Don’t get me wrong, I love Cygnus, but I was overstaying my welcome there. I had shot the Veil (twice), North American Nebula (twice), Sadr Region, and Cresecent Nebula. There […]
Veil Nebula
The Veil Nebula is an iconic astrophotography target in the constellation Cygnus. I shot this close-up of it with my Astro-Tech AT115EDT at 644mm using an ASI533MM
Backyard Starry Night
It was a clear gorgeous night on Saturday. I love a clear night on the weekend as I can go out with the telescope and record pictures late into the night. My family and I are going on a camping trip soon and we decided to try out our new […]
Eagle Nebula